
you’re deep into this Foursquare business

  Not everyone can attend E3 and ask us their TERA questions, so we’re bringing E3 to you via Twitter! At 10:30 AM Pacific Time on Wednesday, June 16, anyone can ask Senior Producer Brian Knox questions about the game through our Twitter account @ kcq.com. Start practicing your 140-character questions!

If you’re like us, you’re deep into this Foursquare business (and if you’re not, it’s easy to sign up). We’ll have a check-in for our E3 booth—and a special bag 'o swag for whomever holds the title of "Mayor" of our booth a half-hour before the show floor closes on Thursday, June 17. En Masse employees are not eligible to win, so don’t worry about us sniping it from you.

We got a good deal of feedback on in-game voice chat as well. No huge surprise: voice chat is very important to TERA players. We polled focus group testers about third-party voice chat vendors, and they almost unanimously indicated that an in-game solution would be best, provided it outperforms currently available third-party voice chat solutions.

