The thirteenth installment of Screenshots of the Week complements our recent additions to the official TERA website's interactive world map: the cities of Velika and Castanica. Capitals of the human and castanic races, respectively, these cities may be situated on the same continent but their similarities end there.
Along the eastern coast of Arun, Castanica is cloaked in darkness and hidden by tall jagged rocks. Bright crimson displays attached to angular architecture fill its narrow streets. To the southwest lies Velika, the red tile roofs of its stone buildings dwarfed by the towering Wheel of Velik, an azure beacon visible from neighboring fields and pastures.
The human city of Velika dominates the southern half of Arun, serving as the political, economic, and cultural center for the Valkyon Federation. Though it's far from the battles of the Argon front, the war against the Argons is always on the minds of Velikan citizens. Velika's architecture may be as stunning as ever, but rationing, shortages, and crime provide a dark side to life in the City of Wheels.
Though tempered by wartime concerns, the boundless vitality of the city is infectious. Many who visit Velika find it hard to return to the logging towns and farming villages of southern Arun.
The Wheel of Velik, a 500-foot gear in the center of the city, marks the passage of time just as it did when the goddess Velik set it into motion 500 years ago. The central wheel provides magical power throughout the city, fueling much of Velika's industry. The city is also famous for its statuary, especially the many falcons considered sacred to Velik's followers and the 100-foot-tall statue of the goddess herself in full huntress regalia.