By the way, you should also make enough WOW gold to pay for new skills,the opponent is put many goods in the auction house, fashion armor, weapons, gryphon flights and stupid noncombat pets and so on.So go and fish in WOW Lake Indu'le for an hour to see what you could find. The only fish you are going to get are Dragonfin Angelfish, Muscleback Sculpin, Bonescale Snapper and a few Pygmy Suckerfish. These are all sold for much WOW gold.
Sometimes players may waste WOW gold you earn on trying to level up your crafting profession. The problem with crafting professions is that you may fall into the trap called Skill Leveling Fever, where you will do to advance the skill of your profession, but that’s why you take a complimentary gathering profession so you can farm your own mats.
The Angelfish turns into Dragonfin Filet X97 which is worth about 611 WOW gold. The Snappers are worthless but when they are cooked they can be sold raw for about 15g and the Sculpin becomes Grilled Sculpin with a value of 22g, and the suckers for about 40g.Through WOW fishing, you can earn 688 WOW gold in an hour in all which is better than kill grinding for the necklace. So a lot of players prefer fishing, especially if you are a priest or DK and can stay in the middle of the water,itting near the Auction House and they mail all their mats, waiting for pool spawns.