Runescape players have asked for it and today free trade and the wilderness have returned to runescape gold.The phone number one specific guide powerleveling, Aside from that other changes have been introduces such as new crafting methods, some graphical reworking and drop changes. Read the full press release below.
The first update this month will see the return of the Wilderness and free trade. There has been a huge referendum where over 1.2 million players voted, 91% of whom were in favour of the return of the Wilderness and free trade. What does this mean? Well, in a nutshell, it means that players will soon be able to give gifts to their friends, have access to unrestricted trade, and take part in the most dangerous sport in the whole of RuneScape: Wildy PKing!Other changes brought in with the return of the Wilderness and free trade includes.
February also sees a graphical update to the gnomes. With new chat heads, models and even new statues, the gnomes can once again stand proud as one of the best looking races in the game. Blizzard still plans to use the same way ,And what better way to showcase these new graphics than with a sequel to our gnome storyline.The Prisoner of Glouphrie.