
It may be an understatement to say this is good

Journey to each of the locations listed above where you will spout off some end of the world goodness while wearing your message board to complete the quest. No matter what quests, you can get balance rewards when you have completed by your WOW role. However, buying Runescape Money is a good way when you need it in the quests. Once completed return to Overseer Jintak at Jaggedswine Farm.
You are thanked by Overseer Jintak for your efforts and of course assigned a new task since you are apparently fitting in oh so well. This task requires you to learn more of your newfound brothers and sisters and the cults plans. To do this you will be attending a ritual conducted by Overseer Golbaz at the eastern end of Jaggedswine Farm.
Find the large alter, and wait for Overseer Golbaz to appear. A large group of cultists will gather round and an image of Cho’Gall will be summoned. As Cho’Gall’s speech drones on you will learn that the cult is creating devices that will be placed all over the city. At an appointed time the devices will unleash fire elementals setting the stage for the master’s return. It may be an understatement to say that this is not good at all.Once the speech is over return to Overseer Jintak at Jaggedswine Farm.
Now that the master’s plan is clear to you, you are ask to do you part in furthering it. The first batch of elemental devices are ready to go and you are ask to conceal them within in the walls of Orgrimmar without drawing attention to yourself. Of course, spy that you are, will be doing no such thing. Once you have aquired the devices from Overseer Jintak take them straight to Runescape Money in the Valley of Strength.

